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A TRT (Top-pressure recovery Turbine) is installed in the downstream of gas-cleaning equipment for a blast furnace.
TCV, this valve operates in conjunction with the Turbine stator blades to control BF top pressure by means of controlling gas flow. The valve is contorlled by an electronic governor in order to control BF Top pressure, turbine speed and generated power reference points. In the opposed case, totla gas make exceeds any of the governor reference points, the spill over gas will pass through to By-pass control valve to maintain the required BF top pressure.
TRT (Top-pressure Recovery Turbine)설비는 제선공정에서 발생된 Blast Furnace Gas로 발전 터빈을 구동하는 설비이며 주요 배관에 설치되는 밸브입니다. TRT 설비 전단에 설치되어 노정에서 발생된 가스의 Turbine 유입량을 조절한다.